Your Holy Grail For Classified Marketing

Classified Marketing is two words you don’t normally read in the same sentence as they are not the usual click for the average reader, it’s classified ads.

Just try to do a Google Search, and almost nothing, right? Everything ending in “ads”?  This article will sum up everything you need to know about classified marketing.

Since it is based on two separate words, classified and marketing, in a nutshell, there are a bunch of things that are sorted out individually or in categories that lead to the selling of products or services.

Still vague? Read on, you’ll catch up. It’s so easy to spot them because they’re everywhere.

Classified Advertising

Starting from the top. Now, this sounds a little better than Classified Marketing, does it not? Of course, it should. It’s been around for ages and it’s what you mostly hear. It’s the same thing online, but it isn’t automated.

It started as a form of advertising which was most common in newspapers and they were even sometimes free of charge, now that’s something you don’t get nowadays, free things.

There are several types of classified advertising, generally, they are:

Regular Classified Advertisement

These ads have no graphics and are column wide. Printed with normal text, nothing special. For the cost, they are charged per letter or line, or column.

Classified Display Advertisement

These types of advertisements include a logo or a visual image and have a border surrounding the text advertisement. They are as you guessed it, priced higher than regular ads.

Display classified Advertisement

This is the costliest kind of classified advertisement as it has the maximum impact. The minimum size of the advertisements is 3 centimeters and it can be of any size in height and width. Advertisers can also choose to have their display classified ads in color too

Online Advertising

You’re reading this online right? Then Bingo! That’s what this is, online advertising. It is a marketing strategy that involves the use of the Internet as a medium to get website traffic and considerably target and deliver marketing messages to the right customers such as yourself.

You can also refer to is as Internet Advertising or Digital Advertising.

Pay-per-click (PPC)

Let’s face it, ads are annoying right? It’s annoying when you’re the consumer but not when you’re the one earning from it. PPC advertising or Pay-per-click means the same thing as it sounds. You get paid when somebody clicks on your link. As well as you already know, it’s an ad. Typically, you see these things work on search engines such as Google Ads or Bing Ads.

When you see ads on a website that means it’s being monetized and every time you click a link, the owner gets something for that click. That’s basically how every ad work. Fun right?

Google Advertising

Does online advertising ring a bell? How about internet advertising? With the growing internet of things worldwide widespread, it is worth noting that day-to-day activities are incorporated with being online as such with many businesses. And while this is true, Google Ads which was once known as Google Adwords is the gateway for many startups. Even established businesses still reach out to this kind of service.

But does it work? Depending on how relevant the keywords are to your business, this kind of advertising should suit you well. As any “how to advertise my business” question is being treated, internet advertising and the usual internet marketing strategies are the usual answers to go to.

Internet Market Strategies

Even the most visually appealing website pales in comparison to a regularly promoted, average-looking potato. If you haven’t established your online presence, it’s as good as lost, even if you’ve just begun.

There are so many small business advertising tips you can find online. These tips are typically presented as classified ads marketing, website marketing, online classified marketing, and affiliate marketing classified ads. The list just goes on; perfect for you! As you can do this yourself.

There are things worth knowing to solidify your online presence.

Analyze your SEO

You have to know your SEO situation. It can’t be having related keywords for “cake” when you’re selling website services. You have to weigh in keywords that make up your business so that it can drive traffic to your site.

Understanding the specific keywords used in the title tag, description tag, and header tags is essential. Search engines such as Google give priority over these things.

Research your keywords

Be up to date with what people are looking for. If you fall short of what your consumers are looking for on the web, then your SEO will surely rank down.

Business advertising is just a process and this starts with knowing what your customers want. That’s how keywords work too.

Start a blog

You can read it almost everywhere where it says “website marketing”. There are millions of people on the web. Right now, 1/3 of the world’s websites are powered by WordPress, a popular Content Management System (CMS) that was primarily built for blogging.

Write stuff about your business, about your experience, write about things that can help people out. If you don’t know how, be informal, but be truthful and informative. The world wide web isn’t just about clickbait, it’s about the information that matters.

And that is why you are reading an article about Classified Marketing because this counts as helpful.


In conclusion, classified marketing involves sorting out the things gathered within your marketing scope, particularly in SEO. The better you are at understanding the know-how of how things work online, the better you will be at converting probable leads into sales.


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